
The Meaning of Vietnam — 3 Comments

  1. Thanks for the update and your comments about your experiences in visiting Vietnam….. As you may recall, we were born in the same week in December, 1952….. So I grew up at the same time and had to come to grips with the Vietnam War also…. For me, of course, it was as a Canadian, but I remember discussing the war with my friends back then and how if we had been born only a couple of hundred miles further South, we would likely be living the war experience in a much different way….

    When I travelled in Vietnam in 2002, I observed the same attitude with the local people….. a desire to live in the present and think about the future….. Not much focus on the past. I came away thinking that that was probably a good way to live one’s life!!!

    Thanks again for sharing…… And I hope that my name isn’t on that “list of tourists” that you mentioned in your message!!! 🙂

    • Quite the opposite Denis, you are high on my list of people I’d like to run into again on my travels. Hope it works out someday.

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