
Bus,Train, Plane, Taxi… — 4 Comments

  1. You favorite masochist had a great time reading of your travels. I can’t wait to hear more about the political situation down there. It’s always interesting how other governments and political structures are a less emotional case study in those things that sometimes are purely emotional back home.

    That said, I definitely need to keep in touch better and take some political abuse. I’m beginning to endeavor into the world of photography. The more I do, the more I realize there’s a ton to learn. I may have a few questions coming your way!!

    Keep up the writings and stay in touch! And just in case you can’t believe there are actually Republicans who believe that crap, shoot me an email!

  2. Bless the Web for letting us know how you two are doing. Hmm, it has been snowing in Ashland for two days….you got out just in time 🙂
    Be well (and warm).

  3. Testing 1-2-3. Yup this commenting thing does work and I see you have a readership base this time.

    You sound at home there, Jim. Maybe you guys are moving in the wrong direction.

    Oh about Colom, you can be ordained a Mayan Shaman at MayanShaman dot com. $40 by secure server. Just kidding… but if you’re looking to start a business…

    I look forward to reading more– Have fun or as they say in español:


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