
Riding That Train — 6 Comments

  1. Beauty surrounds me in the concrete forest of Portland… Sounds like you are in the real India…beauty surrounds you two… Your travels keep me on the “sunny side”… Sending Love, Lots of Love…

  2. As you retreat to cooler regions, think of us in -24C overnight with windchills at -30C. Poor old New Brunswick is literally buried in snow again and Boston has accumulated over 58 inches already this month. Even Uncle Owen was complaining about winter … with two houses he continues to maintain!

  3. The train journey that you described moves “root canals” up the list of “Favorite Things To Do For Two Days”…..As I was leaving Laos a few weeks ago I took a two “slow boat” ride up the Mekong River to the Thai border…….the boat stopped at the half-way point so we could all get off and sleep in a nice Guest House and have a nice hot shower… made day two all the more enjoyable, but I’m sure that the train ride in India made you a better person as well!! Enjoy your time in Rajasthan and I look forward to the next update!! I am currently in Myanmar and loving it. I was just in Bagan for a couple of days and it was totally amazing…..

    • Faye and I took that boat trip a few years ago, but downriver. I really enjoyed it and came to love the Mekong. I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip, especially to Myanmar. It is a special place.

  4. I don’t want to say it, but I will – I told you so :-). Glad to find out that things are going as smoothly as they can in chaotic India, sans pre-appointed travel agents and pre-bookings. Stay safe and have fun.
    Best wishes,
    Meenal and Sanjiv

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