Travelin’ Shoes
Time flies when you’re not doing anything worth writing about. But that is about to change. Faye and I are on our way back to Guatemala for a couple of months.
As I have noted before, Guatemala is familiar territory for us. But things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. The rainy season this year was particularly bad. Mountainsides collapsed, wiping out roads, covering homes and killing people. The little village Faye and I met in was hit pretty hard, and the main road has been closed for repairs the past couple of months. So it is with some trepidation that we return to that area.
On the other hand, friends and family evidently are doing fine. We expect to spend time during the holidays with my godchildren, who are now approaching adulthood at an alarming rate. The youngest is already 13, and the oldest just turned 20.
I can’t say I’m looking forward to going through the current airport security protocol. From what I’ve heard the personal inspections probably should be conducted by licensed physicians. Perhaps the screenings could be combined with my yearly checkups. It won’t be long before the government is going to require a blood test and colonoscopy anyway.
On a technical note, at the top of the column on the right you will see a place to subscribe to this blog. That is new this year. If you would like to receive updates sent to you via email, enter your address in the field provided and click the subscribe button. You should get an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Once you’ve done that you won’t have to worry about missing future posts.
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Best wishes from the mountain! May you enjoy a happy and prosperous new year. It was the coldest day of the year December 29 with a temperature of 22 degrees. We will probably be huddled around the fire pit on the 31st with family, and burning things we have written during 2010 that have affected our lives, and what we would change for the new year. Of course, it will be a lot warmer where you and Faye are! Happy 2011!
Jim & Judy Cooper
Jim & Judy Cooper