
Valar Morghulis — 5 Comments

  1. Jim warmest positive energy being sent your way. Glad to hear the diagnosis is not as grim as so many others are. Since NC is probably not on your top 100 travel destinations, it looks like we will need to come to Canada! Much love to you from Lydia and me.

    • Thanks Stuart. If this serves as a catalyst for getting in touch with old friends, then it won’t be all bad. Yes, please visit. (I think of you and Lydia every time I make biscuits!)

  2. Jim, Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. But with your positive attitude and outlook I’m betting that you will be buying another 10 year passport once this new one is finished!! I am very happy that you will not have to be worrying about the cost of your treatment as you go through this fight…that would be such a waste of energy… far better used travelling the world. Take care, my friend.

  3. Hey Beauty!

    You have “always” danced like there is no tomorrow…, and perhaps, even better yet, loved like you’ve never been hurt! You, and Faye, (both of you) have been my inspiration in so many, many ways… the potential exists, profoundly so… to you to continue to dream the new dream… with the distraction of our pal, Mr C….I know you will not get, or be to distracted by Mr C! This I know… If I know anything about you, IF, I do.. you are one to continue moving and shaking to your own magic sauce…

    Oh, yes…. we share this diagnosis in “common”… this is what my Mama had… she passed over after a good long spell… But along the way I did hear something mumbled about hereditary tendencies…. I wait to see how this unfolds…

    Wishing, wishing I too was a Princess in the Country of Queens.. but alas.. I have my “country”.. one I yearn to escape from as well… You will be tended to with the BEST care, …and loved beyond measure…free from the tranny state… meddling in your pocket change!

    Such is the measure of a man.. smile the sky wide, knowing you are loved by a force more powerful than…..

    Thinking of you both, fondly… (I will send a private email on fine day as well), Baby J

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